Monday, October 13, 2008

We Get What We Settle For

February 2008, Our first family political action moment. Q is holding the hope sign.

If you can only read one thing about the campaign this week you might want to read the amazing piece in the NY Times from Saturday by Frank Rich. The title is: The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama. It's a scary piece. I think it should be read by everyone who is registered to vote.

In the article he talks about the dangerous tone of the groups rallying around the Republican Camp these days. I do not believe they represent Republicans as a whole but to many very good Republicans are keeping silent and allowing it to happen. The following is just one quote from the piece;

"There are indeed so few people of color at McCain events that a black senior writer from The Tallahassee Democrat was mistakenly ejected by the Secret Service from a campaign rally in Panama City in August, even though he was standing with other reporters and showed his credentials. His only apparent infraction was to look glaringly out of place."

The link to another piece about this black reporter being ejected:

Want to learn more about the man McCain hired to help smear Obama's name? Go here:

to learn about South Carolina consultant Tucker Eskew and how he used McCain's adopted Bangladeshi daughter to imply that McCain had had an affair. Of course, McCain did have an affair with a young millionairess but because he married her and stayed married to her (she stayed thin and gorgeous and wealthy - and was already 20 years younger than him - hard to upgrade from that) it's supposed to be OK. No the power of Mr. Eskew's completely off base accusation was that it was a interracial affair. The McCains were said to be deeply hurt by this for their daughters sake. However, they have gotten over their hurt. This is one of the most disturbing things about McCain, his willingness to associate himself with the very lowest in his party to get what he wants.

And if you want to know what it's like to be a black sound man trying to do your job while covering the Republicans go here:

In this article you will also read about the supporter who yells out "Kill him!" meaning Obama.

There's so much more but I'll leave you to keep following the links.

I'm tired of decent Republicans saying that their party has been hijacked. I understand the very real issues that decent Republicans have and why they vote Republican. I understand to how difficult it is to vote for the opposing team. This year, however, our country needs everyone to stand up and put an end to the lowest among us strangling our political system. We need two powerful, and honorable parties to have some kind of fair representation of the American people. This year if we can all vote for the positive message for once, the anti-racist message then maybe it will be the last time the Republicans will put up with the tactics of their own party terrorists. Republicans vote Democrat and make your own party bow down to you next time in order to get your vote.

I beg you.


-C said...

It's all so surreal to me right now. The NYT piece really puts it into perspective. Thanks for posting these.

I love, love the photo of the little political activist family. So cool. You guys rock!


kn said...

He was very nervous about peoples reactions. He understood that there were opposing 'teams.' and he thought someone might yell at him. I said well, we can't yell, that's not us but we can figure out something else to do - what should we do? So he prepared himself and at one point a car drove by and the rider gave us a thumbs down. Quinn smiled and then gave them a peace sign! He's so so great!

Tami said...

This is just nonsense isn't it?

los cazadores said...

I don't even know how to comment on this because I am so pissed off - and McCain's attitude, and his seething victimology when he is asked in a debate to basically decry the words of hate being spewed at his rallies. I mean, I can't manage brevity when I am trying to express my feelings on that. I am incredulous that people are glazing over this - we should ALL BE OUTRAGED. ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGED. Obama is the most promising candidate for President of the U.S. since Al Gore ran and he's being treated with such disdain and loathing, I am beside myself. Putting aside his positions on hot button social issues, anyone who says "Kill him" just goes way over the line of disagreement and protest, so far beyond, it's hard to find terminology for how I feel about that, I am in such absolute disbelief. I pray for this country and it's future. If McCain/Palin are put into our White House, I don't know man, it's going to put a serious emotional weight on many of us, and for me a sense of foreboding for this country will take on a whole new meaning...


QB said...

I second the begging.